This is the list that I will be working to and hoping to find on the internet or trade with friends for some of the models
Master | 10 | Corsairs | 5 | Executioners | |||
Heavy Armour | Reaver | Draich-master | |||||
Shield | Handbows | ||||||
Cold One | 5 | Witch Elves | |||||
Handbow | Crossbowmen | Hag | |||||
Shrieking Blade | Sergeant & Standard | Standard of Eternal Flame | |||||
Shield | |||||||
The 10 corsairs after buying a squad for the fabled my own game I don't mind buying some more and 6 will be added to the four I've already built and painted.
Not sure what to use for the 5 crossbowmen might use the rest of the corsairs and convert them to not look like corsairs or use Dark Eldar warrior bits with conversions
Executioners will be Dark Eldar Incubi hopefully with, headswaps and painted as bloodsoaked paladins that they are meant to be.
Witch Elves will be Wyches from the Dark Eldar as I've seen these before and they look very nice
So there you have 500 points planned and photos to follow.
As it seems weird to leave you without a picture after searching the Internet for inspiration I stumbled upon this, no words to describe his dark elves apart from sublime and he is on my blogroll