So the New Year has started and life promises to be busy. I went to see the Desolation of Smaug last night which was really good, only thing I would say that was bad was, a bit to many roller coaster bits.Apart from that I don't want to know how much the Smaug model will be :(.
So what have I got planned for this year. Well the first thing is I want to consolidate my model collection down. So far for 40k I have Lamenters, Chaos Space Marines, and a Rogue Trader force. While it is nice to have the variety I really feel it is time to slim it down to two forces. So I will disband the Rogue Trader and his minions. Allies will be kept in the form of Eldar and Imperial Guard, with maybe my Rogue Trader being an ally for the Lamenters.
I have a force of High Elves for Fantasy this should really get painted at some point and I will continue using this.
Bolt Action, no end of Italians that someone gave me can use them in the games at Leicester Squigs that will be starting soon. I also probably have enough Brits to start a small force. As Italians are going to be my army I will get rid of the Brits.
Flames of War lots of different bits kicking around and lots of stuff that was nearly used for 15mm projects. I think I will keep the German Tank Army and get rid of the rest :-(
Warmachine will be Cygnar with Merc units only and will get rid of anything else.
So the resolution is ....... Every day I will paint a model. Due to a busy year this may be on a rate of averages. So if I miss one day I will paint two the next and so on. So far I have painted One Slaanesh Marine, a Guild Austringer, Two Dystopian Legions Prussian Officers, tomorrow is going to be another Chaos Space Marine and finish off Molly Squigpidge. Will have pictures tomorrow
Printing a warlord Titan!
5 years ago